Updating the Time on HyperScale X Servers
It is important that the HyperScale X (HSX) nodes stay in time sync so it is essential that they use a time server (ntp). Time skew can cause issues.
In a previous post I presented somewhat of a cheat sheet or quick notes for HyperScale X. One of the items noted was changing NTP to use internal servers.
One of the items I noted was to make sure and disable Ransomware Protection which may not be desired. There is another way which does not require disabling Ransomware Protection.
# Stop Commvault services
commvault stop
# Check to make sure no issues with chronyd
systemctl status chronyd
# Modify time server configuration file
vim /etc/chrony.conf
# Allow for changes to NTP while Ransomware Protection is running
chattr -i /etc/resolv.conf
restorecon -Fv /etc/resolv.conf
chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
# Restart chronyd
systemctl restart chronyd
# Verify the time servers have changed.
chronyc sources -v
# If necessary change the time zone
timedatectl set-timezone UTC
# Verify the time and time zone are correct
# Verify the time is correct now
commvault start
NOTE: A list of all available Time Zones can be found here